Many people view the internet as an ultimate resource for anything they desire. As a result, parents most of the time are blinded by all the benefits of the internet and fail to notice how detrimental it can be to their children. One of the most obvious problems with children using the internet is the chance of getting addicted. However, spending too much time on the internet is not the only problem that children can encounter. The content which children access on the internet can be harmful as well. Consequently, children can access information about pornography, racism, and more. Besides, many criminals have been noted to regularly use the internet to access harmful information, which can be viewed easily by children. In addition, Parents cannot always tell what information their children have been accessing and whom they have been talking to.
That is why, I make a call to every parent attention, please spy your kids, by aware of which website they are accessing. They cannot see the evil side of a web page; we need to encourage them in the right direction. For this purpose, they are some software made to help us keep track for all website accessed from a computer. In conclusion, we have to take action on this issue in order to help our children to have a safer tomorrow
we wont never know who they really are |
That is why, I make a call to every parent attention, please spy your kids, by aware of which website they are accessing. They cannot see the evil side of a web page; we need to encourage them in the right direction. For this purpose, they are some software made to help us keep track for all website accessed from a computer. In conclusion, we have to take action on this issue in order to help our children to have a safer tomorrow
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